Optimizing Your Social Media Audiences With Lookalikes And Influencers

Today, every business needs a social media presence – it’s a basic requirement for success. In fact, social media is so central to modern operations that many small, local businesses don’t even have websites. Instead, if you want information like their location or hours, you can just check Facebook. It’s that simple. For larger businesses, though, optimal social media use can be much more challenging to achieve, even with an expert team devoted to the process, and it leaves many companies asking, what’s the secret to social media success?

In today’s crowded, multi-platform world, there are countless tools at your disposal, but certain ones stand out from the pack. Looking at what will drive account prominence in 2021, the pros have zoomed in on two tools – lookalike audiences and influences – that every business will need to use to build brand awareness. Here’s how they work.

A Look At Lookalikes

Lookalike audiences are an important tool for growing your social media following, but unlike many other core social media tools, you may not have encountered this one before. So, what are lookalike audiences? Simply put, lookalike audiences are people whose online activity looks similar to that of your existing Facebook followers. Identified algorithmically based on your current followers, this system can help you hone your marketing and increase the odds that you’re reaching users who are going to be interested in your product or service.

In addition to better targeting potential customers based on behavior patterns, a practice that means lookalike audiences boost conversion rates and ROI while driving down customer acquisition costs, you can further focus in on target groups using geographic boundaries or other key indicators. Lookalike audiences are all about applying a fine-toothed comb to the huge number of potential followers and customers to find the ones most likely to engage with your brand.

Though it’s likely other platforms will develop their own lookalike tools, right now lookalike audiences are a Facebook-based tool. However, you can get more out of the concept by ensuring you have a Facebook pixel on your website and are also using Instagram, which is owned by Facebook.

The Age Of Influencers

Influencers hit the social media scene years ago, and while the biggest names may not have as much power as they once did, the broader influencer community remains powerful. As we move into 2021, brands should continue to invest in influencer marketing for its high ROI, but they need to do so carefully. In particular, brands should continue focusing on micro-influencers whose own presence strongly resonates with their company’s ethos. A selective influencer – one who carefully evaluates products for fit – is one that has built their audience trust, so pay attention to how many and what kinds of products potential partners promote.

In addition to working with micro-influencers with strong audience relationships, brands should consider working with a smaller group of influencers who will continue using and promoting their products in the long-term. By cultivating meaningful relationships with influencers, rather than producing one-off sponsorships, you’ll be more likely to gain traction with their followers. It’s a recipe for success.

While there are dozens of ways for brands to promote themselves on social media, it’s neither possible or desirable to do it all. Instead, companies need to evaluate their current marketing strategy and budget alongside current trends. Though the social media landscape keeps changing, your business should always aim to communicate the heart of what you do.

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