What Is Seller Sku On Amazon

Are you looking to sell your products on Amazon? If so, understanding the concept of Seller SKU is crucial for effective inventory management and streamlined operations.

In this blog post, we will delve into the world of Seller SKU on Amazon and explore its significance in the e-commerce landscape.

A Seller SKU, or Stock Keeping Unit, is a unique identifier assigned to each product listing created by a seller on Amazon. It differentiates your product from others and aids in tracking and managing your inventory efficiently. Unlike the Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN), which is assigned by Amazon, the Seller SKU is generated by the seller.

By creating a Seller SKU, you can easily track your products, monitor stock levels, and fulfill orders accurately. It also allows you to create variations of a product and manage them separately.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of creating a Seller SKU on Amazon and highlight the benefits it offers for your business.

If you’re ready to optimize your selling experience on Amazon, keep reading to discover the power of Seller SKU and how it can enhance your e-commerce journey.

Different Between ASIN and SKU

When it comes to selling products on Amazon, two important identifiers come into play: ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) and Seller SKU (Stock Keeping Unit). While both serve the purpose of identifying products, there are key differences between them.

ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number)

  • Assigned by Amazon: ASINs are unique identifiers assigned by Amazon to each product listed on their platform.
  • Universal Identification: ASINs are universal and apply to all sellers offering the same product. This means that multiple sellers listing the same product will have the same ASIN.
  • Product Details: ASINs are tied to specific product details, such as the brand, model, and edition. This ensures consistency across listings for the same product.

Seller SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)

  • Assigned by Sellers: Seller SKUs are unique identifiers created by individual sellers for their product listings on Amazon.
  • Seller-Specific: Each seller can assign their own Seller SKU to a product, allowing them to differentiate their listings and track inventory according to their own system.
  • Variations and Management: Seller SKUs enable sellers to create variations of a product, such as different sizes or colors, and manage them separately.

Importance of Seller SKU on Amazon

Seller SKU plays a crucial role in managing inventory and optimizing operations on Amazon. Here are some key reasons why Seller SKU is important:

  • Efficient Inventory Management: By assigning unique Seller SKUs to each product, sellers can easily track and manage their inventory levels. This helps in avoiding stockouts, ensuring timely replenishment, and optimizing the overall supply chain.
  • Accurate Order Fulfillment: Seller SKU enables sellers to accurately pick and pack the right products for each order. It eliminates confusion and minimizes the chances of shipping incorrect items to customers, leading to improved customer satisfaction.
  • Simplified Product Identification: With a well-structured Seller SKU system, sellers can quickly identify and locate specific products within their inventory. This saves time and effort, especially when dealing with a large number of SKUs.
  • Streamlined Sales Tracking: Seller SKU allows sellers to track the performance of individual products. By analyzing sales data associated with each SKU, sellers can make informed decisions regarding pricing, promotions, and inventory restocking.

How to Create a Seller SKU on Amazon

Creating a Seller SKU on Amazon is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to generate a unique Seller SKU for your product:

Step 1: Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account

Access your Amazon Seller Central account using your login credentials.

Step 2: Go to the Inventory tab

Navigate to the Inventory tab in your Seller Central dashboard.

Step 3: Click on “Add a Product”

Click on the “Add a Product” button to start creating a new product listing.

Step 4: Enter the required information

Fill in the necessary details for your product, including its title, description, price, and other relevant information.

Step 5: Generate a unique Seller SKU

In the SKU field, enter a unique identifier for your product. It’s recommended to use a combination of alphanumeric characters that are descriptive and easy to remember.

Best Practices for Seller SKU Management

Effective management of Seller SKUs is crucial for smooth operations on Amazon. Here are some best practices to consider:

Keep it unique and descriptive

Each Seller SKU should be unique and provide relevant information about the product. This helps in easy identification and prevents any confusion during inventory management.

Use alphanumeric characters

Utilize a combination of letters and numbers in your Seller SKUs. This allows for a wider range of possibilities and helps in creating meaningful codes.

Avoid special characters and spaces

To ensure compatibility with Amazon’s systems, refrain from using special characters or spaces in your Seller SKUs.

Consider product variations

If you offer product variations, incorporate them into your Seller SKUs. This enables efficient tracking and differentiation between similar products.

Regularly review and update SKUs

As your product catalog evolves, periodically review and update your Seller SKUs. This ensures consistency and avoids confusion caused by outdated or redundant SKUs.

Benefits of Using Seller SKU

Using Seller SKU offers several benefits to sellers on Amazon. Let’s explore some of them:

Easy inventory management

Seller SKU simplifies inventory management by providing a unique identifier for each product. This allows sellers to track stock levels accurately and avoid stockouts or overstocking.

Efficient order fulfillment

With Seller SKU, sellers can quickly identify and locate the right products for each order. This streamlines the order fulfillment process and reduces the chances of shipping errors.

Accurate sales tracking

By associating sales data with specific Seller SKUs, sellers can gain insights into the performance of individual products. This information helps in making data-driven decisions to optimize sales and profitability.

Simplified product identification

Seller SKU enables sellers to easily identify and locate specific products within their inventory. This saves time and effort, especially when dealing with a large number of SKUs.

Common Mistakes to Avoid with Seller SKU

While using Seller SKU can be beneficial, it’s important to avoid common mistakes that can hinder its effectiveness. Here are some mistakes to steer clear of:

Using generic SKUs

Using generic SKUs that lack uniqueness and descriptive elements can lead to confusion and difficulties in inventory management. It’s crucial to create distinct Seller SKUs for each product.

Neglecting SKU organization

Failing to organize Seller SKUs in a logical manner can make it challenging to locate specific products within the inventory. Implement a systematic approach to SKU organization for better efficiency.

Inconsistent SKU formats

Inconsistency in SKU formats can cause confusion and hinder accurate tracking. Establish a standardized format for your Seller SKUs and ensure consistency across all products.

Overcomplicating SKU structure

While it’s important to include relevant information in Seller SKUs, overcomplicating the structure can make them difficult to manage. Strike a balance between descriptive elements and simplicity.


Seller SKU is a vital tool for sellers on Amazon to effectively manage inventory, streamline operations, and optimize sales. By creating unique and descriptive SKUs, sellers can simplify product identification, track sales accurately, and avoid common pitfalls. Implementing best practices for Seller SKU management ensures efficient inventory control and enhances the overall selling experience on Amazon.

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