Top 5 Apps for Improving Gen Z Mental Health

Mental health issues are more prevalent than ever, and the ongoing pandemic adds additional stress to an already burdensome situation.

Unfortunately, teenagers are the ones who are experiencing the worst of it. According to ExpressVPN’s study on Gen Z, 79% of respondents say they feel more depressed, while 83% reported higher anxiety levels.

How can you better manage your mental health and still make use of the benefits of social media? We’re bringing you a review of some of the best mental health apps that can significantly improve your wellbeing.



1. Headspace

Studies show that meditation has numerous beneficial effects, primarily on mental health. Some of them include better concentration, lower levels of stress, reduced anxiety, and it’s proven it can even improve pain tolerance.

If you have always wanted to meditate but don’t know where to start, Headspace is one of the best meditation apps you can find. You can set up for how long you want to meditate every day, choose your guide, and start reaping the fruits of having a clearer mind.

 2. Talkspace online therapy

With the pandemic in full swing, getting the proper medical support can be challenging. Talkspace is an online platform that connects you with a network of licensed mental health professionals who can diagnose and treat different conditions and issues while ensuring your medical record and conversations stay entirely private. Depending on your preferences, you can choose to communicate with your therapist via video calls, texts, or voice chats. After registration, you’ll be automatically connected with the first available therapist who has experience with a specific problem you’re struggling with. Still, you always have the option to change the therapist if you want. The app may be a little bit pricey and out of range for some, but it’s definitely a cheaper option than booking a face-to-face appointment.

 3. Moodfit

If you feel like you would use a little help in dealing with your emotions and unhealthy thought patterns, Moodfit is an excellent starting point. It’s an app for addressing your general mental health issues and creating a healthy routine that’ll keep you on track with your goals. Among others, it has a mood and gratitude journal, mindfulness meditation, breathing exercises, and numerous trackers to keep an eye on your mental health.

 4. Quit That!

Addiction Center reported that almost 21 million Americans have at least one addiction, but only 10% are getting treatment for it. Quit That! is a free app designed to help people combat addictions. If you want to stop smoking, you can set goals for yourself and track progress. However, for those struggling with drug or alcohol abuse, app support shouldn’t be the only way of addressing the issue.

 5. Recovery Record

According to studies, eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses, and 70 million people across the globe suffer from them. Recovery Record is an app designed to help people who have struggled with eating disorders develop a healthy body image and a more positive attitude towards food. Its easy-to-use interface allows users to keep track of their meals and eating habits and record their progress over time. It can be used both by patients and clinicians to better understand a person’s eating and behavior patterns and address issues as soon as possible. Another good thing is that the app is completely free, and it doesn’t require registration.

Mental health apps are an excellent way to improve your well-being and keep track of your behavior and emotions. However, bear in mind that an app can’t replace therapy and medication that is in some cases crucial for recovery and rehabilitation. Remember, be kind to yourself and count every step as a victory.

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