Expert Drug Testing Solutions in Gainesville, Georgia

Alcohol and drug misuse is not a private problem anymore. It’s a societal issue affecting workplaces, communities, and millions of families. Recent studies claim that over 80% of illegal drug abusers are employed, and more than 40% of them experience industrial fatalities in the USA. The data is alarming and stresses the importance of alcohol and drug testing in Gainesville GA, particularly within a professional environment. The American Society of Addiction Medication reveals that there are no universal standards in clinical drug screening practices in the country. It doesn’t deter the practical application of alcohol and drug screenings in setups, from homes to work environments.

What is Drug Screening?

A drug screening uses biological samples like urine or blood to identify the absence or presence of legal and illegal drugs. Drug tests take place in a variety of setups utilizing multiple techniques. Drugs include illicit substances, prescription medications, alcohol, tobacco, and over-the-counter medications. A single drug screening fails to determine the intensity and frequency of illegal substance use. It is challenging to differentiate casual substance use from drug abuse. The body breaks down various substances at different rates. The timeframe for identifying certain drugs in the body is specific and varies extensively from one substance to the other.

Why Take the Expert Drug Test?

The most common use for drug tests is in workplaces:

  • Before recruiting an applicant
  • During the employment period, employers routinely or periodically request drug testing after they recruit employees.
  • Doubting employees of drug use
  • Post-rehabilitation of employees after accident

Other Reasons to Take the Drug Test

Alcohol Abuse Diagnosis and Treatment

Another reason for taking drug testing in Gainesville, GA, is for the diagnosis, monitoring, and treating alcohol intoxication and illegal substance disorder. Regular testing helps to determine early relapse, track abstinence, and adhere to treatment.

Legal testing

There are several instances when the court orders drug testing to collect crime evidence, investigate child abuse or endangerment cases, and determine if a driver is under alcohol or substance influence while driving.

Medical Testing and Diagnosis

When healthcare experts suspect a potential drug or illegal substance poisoning or overdose, individuals have to undergo drug screening. It helps healthcare experts diagnose problems and prescribe medications.

Monitor Prescription Drug Abuse

When an individual intakes a prescription drug with high intoxication or addiction potential and misuse, taking a drug test helps healthcare experts determine the dose. Opioids for pain is one of the most misused drugs, and mandatory drug test is advised for prescribing the drug.

Testing Professional Athletes

Professional athletes have to take mandatory drug testing regularly to rule out the chance of consuming performance-improvement drugs. In case of a positive result, the athletes are banned from competing in tournaments for a specific time frame.

What Does a Drug Test Detect?

When an illegal substance enters the body, the gastrointestinal tract absorbs and disperses to the rest. The liver and other organs break or metabolize the substance. The breakdown process turns the drug into chemicals, known as metabolites. After a specific timeframe, the drug or metabolites leave the body, mainly through urine. A drug test screens for certain types of drugs or metabolites in biological samples like blood and urine. The breakdown process occurs at varying speeds for different substances. This is why every drug or metabolite has a distinct timeframe in which a drug screening detects them.

In some cases, drugs like amphetamines remain in the system for a longer time, and urine samples detect them. A 5-panel or 10-panel drug test detects the presence of an illegal substance in a system for a prolonged period. The common substances for detection are:

  • PCP
  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamines
  • Marijuana
  • Morphine
  • Heroin
  • Fentanyl
  • Barbiturates
  • Oxycodone
  • Nicotine
  • Cotinine
  • Hydrocodone


Some home-based DIY kits are available to detect drugs. The accuracy of at-home kits is not 100%. Hence, formal drug testing is essential in Gainesville, GA. Certified and reliable testing centers or laboratories are the best solution. Drug testing has an extensive application. Professional testing centers have advanced tools and skilled researchers and scientists to handle the sample correctly and retain 100% accuracy.

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